2022 Couture Classes Outlook
Dear Sewing Friends,
Thank you for your support and patience over the last year. I'm looking forward to a full year of teaching in 2022. Here is the schedule:
Classic French Jacket - 7 days, $1950 ($450 deposit)
February 14-20, Los Angeles (Simi Valley)
March 4-10, New Orleans
May 16-22, Baltimore
September 12-18, Baltimore
Couture Sewing School - 6 days, $1500 ($500 deposit)
March 14-19, Baltimore
July 11-16, San Francisco (Sausalito)
August 29 - September 3, New Orleans
October 10-15, Baltimore
December 5-10, Baltimore
Sit-and-Sew with Susan Khalje and Kenneth King - 4 days, $1000 ($200 deposit)
June 16-19, Baltimore
August 18-21, Baltimore
Pop-Up Class - 3 days, $750 ($250 deposit)
December 2-4, Baltimore
November 6-14, $7700 ($2700 deposit)
As well as classes, private lessons are available. In addition to private day-long sessions (1, 2 or 3 days), students often book time, by the hour, the day before a session starts. I can do fittings, rescue a stalled project, help plan a garment's construction, etc. Private lessons are $150/hr. Please get in touch if you'd like to schedule private time.
I will be teaching at Mulberry Silks in Carrboro, NC, January 9-12 and August 7-10. Please contact them for details.
I will also be teaching in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, June 6-11; please contact Marianne Scott for details: mscott6311@gmail.com
The 2021 London Trip was postponed until Spring 2022. It's sold out, but if you'd like to be placed on the waiting list, please contact Susan Khalje. The next London trip will be in the spring of 2023, and once dates are determined, they'll be announced, along with registration information.
Susan Khalje